viha nakaiy

viha nakaiy

viha nakaiy Viha is the 16th nakaiy of the Hulhangu Monsoon. Westerly lights winds are accompanied calm days and light showers. Fishing season starts in the Maldives on November. Fishing is generally good. WEATHER Mainly fine weather prevails over southern most...
Hey Nakaiy

Hey Nakaiy

Hey Nakaiy Hey is the 15th nakaiy of the Hulhangu Monsoon. Strong winds from all directions. Fishing is good and the markets are filled with tuna. Weather Scattered rain with a few heavy showers and thunderstorms in northern atolls. Apart from a few shower mainly fine...


Nakaiy Maldives with her 1200 islands lies in the Indian Ocean surrounded by 99% water. Hence, weather plays a significant role in a Maldivians day to day life. Maldivian ancestors created and organized their lives around a calendar of nakaiy (period), comprising of a...

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