Ahulia Nakaiy

Ahulia Nakaiy

Ahulia Nakaiy Ahulia is the 9thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Less frequent storms, calmer days. Fishing is good during this period. WEATHER Scattered thunder showers are expected over north and central area, with heavy showers at times. Generally fine weather...
Fus Nakaiy

Fus Nakaiy

Fus Nakaiy Fus is the 8th nakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Wet and overcast. Fishing is generally good during this period. WEATHER Scattered rain with isolated heavy showers and thunderstorms will be experienced over the country. Cloudy days with few hours of sunshine...
Funoas Nakaiy

Funoas Nakaiy

Funoas Nakaiy Funoas is the 7th nakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Stormy with rough seas and frequent sudden gales. Fishing is generally average during this period. WEATHER Fairly widespread rain with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms over the country. Cloudy...


ADHA NAKAIY Adha is the 6thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Moderate south-westerly winds and light rain. Fishing is good during this period.   weather Scattered showers and with few thunderstorms expected over the country. Showers could be heavy at times in some parts...
Miyahelia Nakaiy

Miyahelia Nakaiy

Miyahelia Nakaiy Miyahelia is the 5thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Stormy with rough seas and strong westerly winds. Fishing is generally fair during this period. WEATHER Scattered showers and thunderstorms will be experienced in northern and southern atolls. Cloudy...
Roanu Nakaiy

Roanu Nakaiy

Roanu Nakaiy Roanu is the 4thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Stormy with frequent rain and thunderstorms. Fishing is generally good during this period.   WEATHER Scattered rain with heavy showers and thunderstorms will be experienced across the country. Few hours of...
Kethi Nakaiy

Kethi Nakaiy

Kethi Nakaiy Kethi is the 3rdnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Stormy with frequent rain and thunderstorms. Fishing is generally fair during this period.  weather Scattered rain with few heavy showers and thunderstorms will be experienced between North & Central...
Burunu Nakaiy

Burunu Nakaiy

Burunu Nakaiy Burunu is the 2nd nakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Begins with a storm and strong winds, then becomes calm. Fishing is generally fair during this period.   WEATHER Fairly widespread rain with occasional heavy showers and thunderstorms over the country....
Assidha nakaiy

Assidha nakaiy

Assidha nakaiy Assidha is the 1stnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Begins with a storm then becomes hot and dry. Windy during storm. Fishing is generally fair during this period. WEATHER Scattered rain with isolated thunderstorms over the country with a few heavy...
Dhosha Nakaiy

Dhosha Nakaiy

Dhosha Nakaiy Dhosha is the 18th nakaiy of the monsoon. It’s the last nakaiy of Hulhangu monsoon. Light north-easterly winds, with sunny but cloudy days and light showers. Fishing is good. WEATHER Days are quite cloudy and foggy with scattered showers and few...

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