Nora Nakaiy

Nora Nakaiy

Nora Nakaiy Nora is the 17th nakaiy of the Hulhangu Monsoon. lights winds, some sun shine and light showers. Fishing is generally good during this period. WEATHER Partly cloudy with scattered showers and few thunderstorms in southern and central atolls. Showers are...
viha nakaiy

viha nakaiy

viha nakaiy Viha is the 16th nakaiy of the Hulhangu Monsoon. Westerly lights winds are accompanied calm days and light showers. Fishing season starts in the Maldives on November. Fishing is generally good. WEATHER Mainly fine weather prevails over southern most...
Hey Nakaiy

Hey Nakaiy

Hey Nakaiy Hey is the 15th nakaiy of the Hulhangu Monsoon. Strong winds from all directions. Fishing is good and the markets are filled with tuna. Weather Scattered rain with a few heavy showers and thunderstorms in northern atolls. Apart from a few shower mainly fine...
Game Fishing in Maldives

Game Fishing in Maldives

Game Fishing in Maldives The republic of Maldives lies to the southwest of Sri Lanka over 868 kms just south of the equator. Maldives is an archipelago of islands consisting of some 1200 islands grouped into 25 atolls. Of total land area 21% of which consist of coral...

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