Roanu Nakaiy
Roanu is the 4thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Stormy with frequent rain and thunderstorms.
Fishing is generally good during this period.
Scattered rain with heavy showers and thunderstorms will be experienced across the country. Few hours of sunshine are expected during this nakaiy. 15 days of showers are expected during the month of May, with average temperature being at 28 degrees Celsius. Expect to get around 8 hours of sunshine on average every day. For this month fishing arsenal, be sure to pack a heavy rain coat and be ready to get wet.
Winds are expected to be strong across the country. Wind blows from South-West at 10 to 20 mph becoming 35- 45 mph during showers. Sea are expected to be rough with boat rides being very bumpy.
Fishing is generally believed to be good during this period if one can go fishing between the thunderstorms. Fishing is best on 28th, 29th, 31stMay, 1st& 2ndJune. 5 days in this nakaiy are major days for fishing.
Trolling for Bonito (Latti) are expected to be good.
Night fishing is best during 28thand 29thduring the full moon.
Snapper (Raiy Mas) and Grouper (Faana) are frequent catches during this nakaiy.