
Ahulia Nakaiy

Jul 29, 2018 | Hulhangu Nakaiy, Local Information, Nakaiy, Weather

Ahulia Nakaiy

Ahulia is the 9thnakaiy of the Hulhangu monsoon. Less frequent storms, calmer days.

Fishing is good during this period.


Scattered thunder showers are expected over north and central area, with heavy showers at times. Generally fine weather prevail over the south. Cloudy and foggy days are expected during this nakaiy. 14 days of showers are expected during the month of August, with average temperature being at 28 degrees Celsius. Expect to get around 7 hours of sunshine on average every day. Perfect for 6 hours of fishing. For this month fishing arsenal, be sure to pack a rain coat and good amount of sunscreen when clear.


Light and variable wind at 4 to 10 mph with direction of west and south westerly in north, central and east atolls with south westerly else where. Winds are expected to be strong during showers. Waves are expected to be between 1 to 3 feet on open sea. Seas are expected to be rough with boat rides being bumpy during showers else its smooth sailing all day long.


Fishing is generally good during this nakaiy. Fishing is best on 30thJuly, 6th, 7th, and 10thAugust. 4 days in this nakaiy are major days for fishing.

Popping for GT and Red Snapper is good during this nakaiy. 

Night fishing is best during 10thAugust when in the new moon.


GT (Munda Handhi) and Red Snapper (Raiy Mas) are frequent catches during this nakaiy.  

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