
Hiyaviha Nakaiy

Feb 14, 2018 | Iruvai Nakaiy, Local Information, Nakaiy, Weather

Hiyaviha Nakaiy

Hiyaviha is the 6th nakaiy of the Iruvai monsoon. Seas are calm to slight with few showers across the country.

Fishing is generally good during this period.


Seas are calm to slight with few showers in central and northern part of the country. Showers are expected to be light with few becoming thunderstorms. Days and nights are expected to be hot. 16 days of showers are expected during the month of February, with average temperature being at 25 degrees Celsius. Expect to get around 8 hours of sunshine on average every day. Not bad for a full day fishing trip. For this month fishing arsenal, be sure to pack a rain coat with your sun screen – just for good measure.


In hiyaviha nakaiy, wind blows from the east at 14 to 20 mph in central atolls and 6 to 15 mph  elsewhere. Seas are expected to be calm becoming moderate during showers. Waves height are expected to be 2 feet when slight rising to 4 feet when rough. Boat rides are generally expected to be smooth with few becoming bumpy.


Fishing is generally good during this period. Fishing peaks from 14th to 20th February. 7 days in this nakaiy are major days for fishing.

Early morning trolling for Wahoo is excellent while Sail Fish and Black Marlin are also caught in morning trolling.

New moon falls on a weekend starting from 15th to 17th February and would be excellent for night fishing. Highly recommend night fishing during this period. Weekend anglers better use these days to fish for Red Snapper.


Wahoo (kurumas), Sail Fish and Black Marlin are becoming frequent catches in morning trolling.

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